If you want to share a good stock that is not known yet or that will be a good thing with many people, try using SignalTalk.

Fast & Accurately
It wasn’t easy to type in the purchase price, goal, and syllable of each item in the chat room, or to find the signal message sent by the room manager, was it?
Now you can send stocks more easily and check them quickly through MoeME’s signal talk.

Publish Signals
Signal Talk can be posted on each channel, and only the management staff who operate the channel have permission to publish.
You don’t have to enter ‘event’ in Signal Talk and the amount as optional.
① Click the ‘Signal Talk’ icon on the left side of Channel Talk in the chat menu above the chat input.
② Tap the icon to display the signal posting window and enter the item and amount before sending it.

To Timeline and channel
When you post Signal Talk on a channel, it is posted simultaneously on the timeline and when you press the order button on the channel, it goes to the page of the item.

Signal History
If you missed Signal Talk due to many chatting, look for the missed signal in the Signal talk history.
The Signal talk history shows the signal details posted by the management from 00:00 to 24:00, and the signal history is initialized after 24:00.
① Tap the ‘Signal Talk’ icon next to the search icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
② Tap the icon to see the signal talk details, and tap the X below to close the details.