We have updated crypto currency information for more diverse financial information. Now check out the crypto currency issue in MoeME.
Real-time issue ranking
Crypto currency has been added on the timeline, friend list, and the top of the chat list. You can see the ranking of stocks and crypto currency issues with the left and right swipes, and you can touch “More” to see the overall ranking, search for stocks, or roll them right away.
Text filtering
You can automatically filter Crypto currency stocks included in Signal Talk and message content to quickly check the stock information during the conversation.
Crypto currency information
There are search trends, recommended channels, and news of crypto currency, and when you touch the asking price, you can check the chart and market price of the crypto currency linked Upbit.
Crypto Currency order execution
When you touch an order, it is linked to the Upbit Exchange app. You can check the charts and information and make transactions immediately.