When you want to clean up your chatting room on your device, use the ‘delete all conversations on chatting room’ function. This function does clean up your chatting room on your device only.

At channel room
1. push the ‘…’ at channel chatting room, you can see the chatting menu and push the setting icon.

2. Clear up all conversations at the chatting room on my device by pushing the ‘clear all conversations on chatting room’ at ‘chatting management’ under my setting.
※ at PC, you can execute directly on the menu when is displayed you push “…”.

At general chatting
push the ‘…’ at chatting room, you can see the menu and push the ‘clear all conversations on chatting room’ under the participants list for clear up the all conversations on your device.
※ at PC, you can execute directly on the menu when is displayed you push “…”.